A Message from our Board- Robert Wright

Hi! My name is Robert Wright and this blog post is to talk about my role as the Student Liaison for MGMA Utah, the benefits students receive from participating in MGMA Utah, and how I personally have benefited from MGMA Utah.

As the student liaison, I have the opportunity to serve as the student voice for the local board. For a one-year term, the student board member is able to participate in board-level strategic planning and give a student-focused perspective as the board executes initiatives to better serve the student members and potential students who are considering joining MGMA from various universities. In the past couple months, we as a board have visited several universities to give presentations and provide information about the benefits and opportunities that MGMA offers.

As students, we have the chance to learn and network with healthcare professionals by attending luncheons, meetings, and conferences. Other benefits include educational seminars, mentoring opportunities, and serving on committees for the annual conference. These opportunities allow us to gain more exposure to the industry and further our goals of becoming successful and efficient healthcare leaders in the outpatient and clinic environment.

My time as a student liaison has provided me with the ability to connect and learn from influential leaders in the industry and gain real world experience. It has been my experience that all MGMA leaders in Utah are willing to assist and lend a helping hand when interacting with us students. This has been an invaluable opportunity and I look forward to attending future events and working with the board to provide value for students in MGMA.

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